Ero sivun ”Journeys API” versioiden välillä

1 merkki poistettu ,  4. heinäkuuta 2014 kello 04.58
Rivi 268: Rivi 268:
==== Route Patterns ====
==== Route Patterns ====
(List of route patterns is not available, clients are expected to navigate to a certain route pattern via lines or routes.)
List of route patterns is not available, clients are expected to navigate to a certain route pattern via lines or routes.

A client can access specific ROUTE PATTERN'S details by issuing request at
A client can access specific ROUTE PATTERN'S details by issuing request at
Rivi 310: Rivi 310:
==== Journeys ====
==== Journeys ====
List of route JOURNEYS not available, clients are expected to navigate to a certain JOURNEY via LINES or ROUTES.
List of route JOURNEYS not available, clients are expected to navigate to a certain JOURNEY via LINES or ROUTES.
