Ero sivun ”Journeys API” versioiden välillä

4 merkkiä lisätty ,  4. heinäkuuta 2014 kello 04.01
Rivi 28: Rivi 28:
Journeys API follows RESTful design pattern. This means that all entities returned by the API have an unique URL via which the entity can be accessed at all times. The returned entities refer to each other via these URLs, and each entity URL is always included in the entity itself as "href" property. Following is a fragment from JOURNEY entity response:
Journeys API follows RESTful design pattern. This means that all entities returned by the API have an unique URL via which the entity can be accessed at all times. The returned entities refer to each other via these URLs, and each entity URL is always included in the entity itself as "href" property. Following is a fragment from JOURNEY entity response:
     "data" : {
     "data" : {
         "href" : "",
         "href" : "",
