
Osumat sivujen otsikoissa

  • Data format: JSON, GML2, GML32, SHAPE-ZIP, CSV, WFS<br/> Maintainance: Tampere City Location Services<br/>
    992 tavua (125 sanaa) - 18. marraskuuta 2022 kello 09.25

Osumat sivujen teksteissä

  • Data format: JSON, GML2, GML32, SHAPE-ZIP, CSV, WFS<br/> Maintainance: Tampere City Location Services<br/>
    992 tavua (125 sanaa) - 18. marraskuuta 2022 kello 09.25
  • Available data sources ...lanner HTTP Get interface.''' The API server has the most recent timetable data provided by HSL.
    2 KiB (206 sanaa) - 31. lokakuuta 2022 kello 15.50
  • ...and bicycle traffic counter API (TPB API) is a service offered by City of Tampere. ...information about walking and biking quantities from Tampere city region. Data is collected and counted from multiple different measurement points arount
    1 KiB (139 sanaa) - 14. helmikuuta 2020 kello 13.51
  • City of Tampere offers access right to '''Tampere Reittiopas API''' (Journey Planner) interface, when application or service Data format: XML/JSON<br/>
    1 KiB (162 sanaa) - 18. marraskuuta 2022 kello 10.42
  • City of Tampere offers access right to '''Tampere Reittiopas API''' (Journey Planner) interface. In addition to public transp Data format: XML/JSON<br/>
    897 tavua (119 sanaa) - 3. marraskuuta 2022 kello 10.50
  • Finnpark DATEX2 web service provides data from parking facilities in Tampere. Data format: XML<br/>
    2 KiB (182 sanaa) - 5. helmikuuta 2015 kello 13.32
  • Tampere City provides traffic light data interface. Data format: REST/JSON<br/>
    1 KiB (164 sanaa) - 14. lokakuuta 2022 kello 10.05
  • City of Tampere offers access right to '''Tampere Reittiopas API''' (Journey Planner) interface, when application or service Data format: XML/JSON<br/>
    1 KiB (158 sanaa) - 18. marraskuuta 2022 kello 10.17
  • Tampere traffic camera API is a service offered by City of Tampere. ...terfaces providing information about traffic cameras and their images from Tampere city region. Service contains information of multiple different traffic cam
    1 KiB (210 sanaa) - 2. joulukuuta 2024 kello 09.58
  • ...nd roadwork information interface. It can be used e.g. for showing traffic data in mobile applications. Data format: JSON<br/>
    2 KiB (210 sanaa) - 3. syyskuuta 2024 kello 09.03
  • ...c transport, traffic flow and parking data. The intention is that the open data would enable creation of new applications, products and services that will ...work is to accelerate creation of new businesses based on the open traffic data. The network is also working to create a test area for Intelligent Transpor
    1 KiB (197 sanaa) - 29. tammikuuta 2014 kello 13.05
  • * opening public traffic data sources for products and services developers * collecting [[Developer questionnaire|feedback]] and requests about new data sources and APIs
    2 KiB (263 sanaa) - 6. syyskuuta 2012 kello 14.58
  • ...a public service based on open-source development, various sources of open data as well as user-generated content. City Navigator is available for Helsinki area and Tampere.
    1 KiB (136 sanaa) - 3. marraskuuta 2022 kello 13.10
  • * Traffic data pilot specifications, [[overall architecture]] and schedule *# City Navigator Tampere
    2 KiB (251 sanaa) - 23. toukokuuta 2016 kello 07.23
  • ...given by ITS Factory, a network of city, companies and universities in the Tampere region: If you want to learn more about ITS Factory and open transport data in general, please visit: http://wiki.itsfactory.fi/. For any questions or
    3 KiB (504 sanaa) - 30. syyskuuta 2014 kello 11.56
  • ...t may be of interest to You as a registered user of open transport data in Tampere. ...sport in Tampere region will start on 30 June 2014, new schedule and route data for Apps now available!'''
    3 KiB (484 sanaa) - 30. syyskuuta 2014 kello 11.57
  • ...s publiched throught [[ITS_Factory | ITS Factory]] data service at https://data.itsfactory.fi. Data format: GTFS<br/>
    3 KiB (429 sanaa) - 18. marraskuuta 2022 kello 09.15
  • ...interest to You as a registered user of open transport and traffic data in Tampere. '''Financing available for Open data and Open API based business proposals!'''
    3 KiB (483 sanaa) - 5. helmikuuta 2015 kello 12.59
  • ...y’s geospatial data, which is aimed for users that need maps or geospatial data in their work or free time. [https://kartat.tampere.fi/oskari/ Map Service]
    322 tavua (56 sanaa) - 26. toukokuuta 2023 kello 12.28
  • ...re_Public_Transport_SIRI_Interface_(Realtime)|Realtime SIRI interface]] in Tampere Public Transport Information System (IJ2010). The original SIRI XML data is repeated at [http://data.itsfactory.fi data.itsfactory.fi] server for client accesses. Please see "API Access" later on
    2 KiB (292 sanaa) - 31. lokakuuta 2022 kello 14.42

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